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Christine Kim

Ever since I was born, I've lived in Koreatown, Garden Grove. I have an older sister and a younger brother. Throughout my life, I have spent countless hours dedicated to art. I was fond of making my drawings and paintings look as realistic as possible. With dedicating much time to observing and drawing intricate details, my ability to focus has enhanced, thus broadening my creative bubble.

As a young girl, my mom and sister were my biggest inspiration. They always drew original characters, motivating me to pick up my pencil and draw with them. However, the art that I now create is influenced more by family history or personal experiences. I have been working hard to create more personal pieces, allowing myself to become more vulnerable with my art.
Out of all of the artistic mediums I’ve used, my favorite medium is color pencil. Not only is it convenient to use, but its smooth texture and vibrant results are what I enjoy most.
My future plans…
While art will always have a special place in my heart, I am not planning on pursuing it in college. My time at OCSA has helped me to improve my artistic abilities and creativity, but it has also allowed me to discover a new interest of mine––healthcare. I plan on becoming a nurse practitioner or registered nurse in the future, but art will continue to remain a passion and outlet of mine. In college, I intend on joining art-related clubs to keep my artistic roots intact during the next four years of my journey.
My advice for my younger OCSA Classmates-
My advice to younger OCSA students is to never be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. While it’s also important to stay true to yourself as an artist, pushing yourself past your creative boundaries is extremely valuable. I know it sounds easier said than done, but it will definitely help improve your artistic abilities and creativity. It took me about a year and a half at OCSA to start challenging myself, but stepping out of my comfort zone really helped me grow as an artist. I was able to grow in creativity––something I’ve always struggled with––in a short period of time by forcing myself to try out new techniques and mediums.

11th, 12th Show Invite

Project Gallery

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